Postdoctoral Degree – University of São Paulo (USP);
Doctoral Degree – Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC);
Masters Degree – University of São Paulo (USP);
President of the Founder’s Council of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst);
Member of the Ibero-American Institute of Legal Studies (Iberojur);
Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR);
Former Director of the Superior Electoral Tribunal’s Judiciary Electoral School (EJE-TSE) 2018-2020;
Vice-President of the OAB’s Federal Council Commission of Constitutional Studies 2016-2022;
State and Federal Counsellor BAR (OAB) 2007-2022;
Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course of Constitutional Law of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst).
Author of the following works
Eficácia e Vinculação dos Direitos Sociais (Effectiveness and Bindingness of Social Rights);
Marcos Regulatórios da Indústria Brasileira de Petróleo e Gás Natural e a Expertise Norueguesa (Regulatory Frameworks of the Brazilian Oil and Natural Gas Industry and Norwegian Expertise);
A liberdade no pensamento ocidental: da Antiguidade ao Medievo (Freedom in Western Thought: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages);
A liberdade no pensamento ocidental: Liberdade e Estado Moderno (Freedom in Western Thought: Freedom and the Modern State);
A liberdade no pensamento ocidental: Liberdade dos Liberais e o Pensamento Social (Freedom in Western Thought: Freedom by the Liberals and the Social Thought);
A liberdade no pensamento ocidental: Liberdade como Justiça e Desenvolvimento (Freedom in Western Thought: Freedom as Justice and Development);
Controle de Constitucionalidade e Modulação dos efeitos: a norma decisória concreta e o estabelecimento da identidade do julgado para configuração da expectativa de conteúdo normativo – coautoria (Judicial Review and Modulation of Effects: the concrete decisory rule and the establishment of the normative identity for the configuration the prospect of legal content – co-authorship);
Mutação constitucional: à luz da Teoria Constitucional Contemporânea – em co-authorship (Constitutional Mutation: in the light of contemporary constitutional theory).